From October 9 to 12, Radisson Royal Moscow Hotel was the venue of the IX Global Lubricant Week. The conference hosted a number of events, including the IX "International Lubricant Conference 2018”, IX "Global Grease Summit 2018”, IX Specialized Exhibition “Services and Equipment for the Lubricant Market 2018”, “Lubricants Awards 2018” and informal cocktail reception for the Open Collar Event attendees and a formal evening reception hosted by LUKOIL Lubricants Company, the General Sponsor of the Event.

Global Lubricant Week is a premier annual event for the European downstream petroleum industry. The event has evolved into the highest-profile industry event not only on the Russian but also on the global stage. The 2018 conference was attended by over 674 participants.

General Sponsor - LUKOIL Lubricants Company.

Sponsor-Partner - Evonik Oil Additives.

The event is supported by the ATIEL and UKLA Associations.
The primary objective of the Global International Lubricants Week is to set up a direct dialogue between lubricant manufacturers and major customers, identify lubricant demand trends and major changes in the demand components, and encourage cooperation between lubricant developers and manufacturers.

The conference brought together major Russian and foreign manufacturers of lubricants, additives, greases and liquid coolants; leading global and Russian transportation and manufacturing companies; and major lubricant users, including LUKOIL Lubricants, Evonik Oil Additives, Infineum, Lubrizol, Fuchs Petrolub, BASF, APL, Chevron Oronite, ILSA Baltic, KJ Tech, INTESMO, LLK-Naftan, Sasol, Mosgortrans, Lanxess, BRB International, Gulf Petrochem Group, Gazpromneft Lubricants, Poliefir, INEOS Oligomers, NEO Chemical, Azelis, NZSM, Mobil Oil Lubricants, SIBUR, Severstal Management, Olcon, RUSAL, Gazprom VNIIGAZ, VNII NP, UTS Chemicals, REACHLaw Ltd, SGS Vostock, Kline, HUNTSMAN, ATIEL, UKLA, PALL Eurasia, Obninsorgsintez, Russian Export Center, RUSMA, Terra, Oracle, AVTOVAZ, KAMAZ, Avtodizel, Autostat, Ipsos Comcon, GfK, Argus Media, MST Digital Agency, as well as representatives of Waste Recycling Association and Rosprirodnadzor and many others key indystry players.

In total, more than 219 leading Russian and foreign businesses from 24 countries attended the Global Lubricant Week. Delegates from Russia and the CIS made up 76 percent of the attendees, with the remaining 24 percent representing Europe, the United States and Asia-Pacific. More than a third of the attendees were corporate top managers. 39 percent percent were middle managers and specialists from manufacturing, engineering, and research and development practices. Marketing and procurement personnel from manufacturing and transportation companies made up 27 percent. The attendee industry breakdown was as follows. 24 percent were delegates from Russian and foreign VIOCs (including oil refineries); 32 percent were lubricant manufacturers; 11 percent were trading houses and dealers; 21 percent were lubricant and lubricant component developers; 3 percent were consulting companies and financial and investment institutions; and 9 percent were others, including media.

In 2019 the Global Lubricant Week is expected to be held in October and to become the biggest industry event in Europe and the CIS.

Making use of this opportunity, we would like to thank the general sponsor of the conference, LUKOIL Lubricants Company, for its support traditionally extended to the event.
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