On May 18, 2017, the Hotel Baltchug Kempinski Moscow welcomed the 13th International Technical Workshop "Designing, Construction & Operation of Onshore and Subsea Pipelines: Current Technology Challenges 2017", a premier pipeline industry event offering an excellent opportunity for sharing best practices in technological development of pipeline systems, showcasing innovative Russian and international research and technology projects for the sector, gaining useful insights about effective approaches to design, construction, operation and rehabilitation of pipeline systems.

The event's agenda included some of the most talked-about industry topics such as pipeline integrity management and methods of securing safe operation; difficulties in designing and construction of subsea pipelines in aggressive environments and solutions to overcome them; pipeline defectoscopy methods and efficient defects removal; designing and construction of modern booster stations; corrosion-free pipe coatings for trunklines; inspection, repair and maintenance of deepwater pipelines; and others.

The workshop audience included top management of oil and gas transmission companies; managers, engineers and technical specialists in integrated diagnostics, refurbishment and construction of pipeline systems; pipeline system designers; consultants for rehabilitation and construction of pipeline systems; and government and petroleum upstream companies.

The conference organizer, RPI, extends it thanks to the sponsors of the event – Т8, State Research Navigation-Hydrographic Institute (GNINGI) и GNPP “Aerogeophysica” – for their support.

We invite industry players to get involved in putting together a 2018 Workshop program. If you would like to showcase new technologies and share insights about oil and gas pipeline systems, please contact Technical Workshop Director Elena Konstantinova at Konstantinova.Elena@rpi-inc.ru, +7 (495) 778 9332 / 778 4597, and your application will be reviewed by the event’s Program Committee.
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